Friday, July 29, 2005

Captured - all five 21/7 bomb suspects

By Daniel McGrory, Stewart Tendler and Sean O’Neill

EVERY suspected member of the July 21 suicide bombing team was under arrest last night after an extraordinary day of police operations stretching from a West London housing estate to the backstreets of Rome.

France ejects 12 Islamic 'preachers of hate'

By Colin Randall in Paris
(Filed: 30/07/2005)

The gulf between British and French treatment of preachers of hatred and violence was thrown sharply into focus yesterday when France announced the summary expulsion of a dozen Islamists between now and the end of August.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

S&P 500, Nasdaq hit 4-year highs

Market focused on earnings, DaimlerChrysler reshuffle
Leslie Wines, MarketWatchLast
Update: 5:02 PM ET July 28, 2005

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- U.S. stocks closed sharply higher Thursday, with the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite indexes both rallying to new four-year closing records after strong earnings reports and more upbeat sentiment about the economy.

Federal Gas Taxes Get Another Look

By Monisha Bansal Correspondent
July 28, 2005

( -- With gas prices averaging $2.29 around the country this week, one lawmaker in Washington wants to help states opt out of the 18.4-cent-a-gallon federal gas tax.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

One in four Muslims sympathises with motives of terrorists

By Anthony King
(Filed: 23/07/2005)

The group portrait of British Muslims painted by YouGov's survey for The Daily Telegraph is at once reassuring and disturbing, in some ways even alarming.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Democrats, Clintonites Criticize Bush on WMD Policy

What a joke, the Clinton administration's response was to pay North Korea millions of dollars not to build nukes, then sat back while they did just that. And their actions toward Iran were more of the same, do nothing. And further, why is it that all these other nations have WMDs, but we are to believe there were none in Iraq?

By Susan Jones Senior Editor
July 21, 2005

( -- Congressional Democrats -- and former members of Bill Clinton's administration -- say the Bush administration is not doing enough to protect Americans from the threat of terrorists unleashing weapons of mass destruction.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Bush Taps Roberts For Supreme Court

Appeals Judge, 50, Is SeenAs a Strong Conservative;Abortion Looms as Key Issue


WASHINGTON -- President Bush, in a surprise choice that could spark a Senate confirmation battle, selected conservative appeals judge John Roberts Jr. to fill the Supreme Court opening created by the retirement of moderate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

Monday, July 18, 2005

CBS Muzzles Ad on Radical-Islamist Threats

by Mary Ellen Burke
Posted Jul 18, 2005

CBS has rejected an advertisement about radical-Islam's threat to peace on the grounds that the subject is "too controversial" and "too emotional."
Executives at CBS refused to run an advertisement on WTIC-AM in Hartford, Conn., for an upcoming symposium called “The Radical-Islamist Threat to World Peace and National Security” sponsored by The People’s Truth Forum.

Did the CIA “Out” Valerie Plame?

July 18, 2005, 8:01 a.m.
Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review Online
What the mainstream media tells the court ... but won’t tell you.

With each passing day, the manufactured "scandal" over the publication of Valerie Plame's relationship with the CIA establishes new depths of mainstream-media hypocrisy. A highly capable special prosecutor is probing the underlying facts, and it is appropriate to withhold legal judgments until he completes the investigation over which speculation runs so rampant. But it is not too early to assess the performance of the press. It's been appalling.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Wal-Mart boycott causes dissension in teacher unions

Teachers, this is how your union spends your dues? Too bad there is this concerted effort to better educate your students.

By Dave Weber Sentinel Staff Writer
Posted July 16, 2005

Florida teacher unions are at odds over how deeply to get involved in a national campaign to persuade the public not to shop for back-to-school clothing and supplies at Wal-Mart.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Sixteen Truthful Words

The statement at the center of the accusation that "Bush lied to us" was just the plain old truth. By WILLIAM SAFIRE/ The New York Times July 19, 2004

The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."-George W. Bush, State of the Union address, Jan. 28, 2003WASHINGTON - Those were "the 16 words" in a momentous message to a joint session of Congress that were pounced on by the wrong-war left to become the simple centerpiece of its angry accusation that "Bush lied to us" - or, as John Kerry more delicately puts it - "misled" us into thinking that Saddam's Iraq posed a danger to the U.S.

Source: Rove Got CIA Agent ID From Media

Jul 15, 12:06 AM (ET)

My question is - who is Judith Miller sitting in jail for?

WASHINGTON (AP) - Presidential confidant Karl Rove testified to a grand jury that he learned the identity of a CIA operative originally from journalists, then informally discussed the information with a Time magazine reporter days before the story broke, according to a person briefed on the testimony.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Monday, July 11, 2005

Obama lends star power to Nelson

"The Democrats at times have lost their way," conceded Obama. "We are trying to decide what our core values are."

This statement sums up the current democratic party and yet they continue to wonder why they keep losing elections.

By Sandra MathersSentinel Staff Writer
July 10, 2005

The Democratic U.S. senator campaigns for his colleague at a town-hall forum in Eatonville.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

"For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!"


The Kenyan economics expert James Shikwati, 35, says that aid to Africa does more harm than good. The avid proponent of globalization spoke with SPIEGEL about the disastrous effects of Western development policy in Africa, corrupt rulers, and the tendency to overstate the AIDS problem.


Doug Giles
July 9, 2005

As eight of the most powerful world leaders were convening in Gleneagles, Scotland for the G8 Summit trying to figure out how to battle poverty, salvage human lives, stop the AIDS epidemic in Africa and keep our globe from warming . . . what does militant Islam do to help? Well, they set off four bombs in the heart of London killing 50+ people and seriously injuring over 700.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Banks Open Doors To New Customers: Illegal Immigrants

With Help From Government,Mortgage Lenders Tap Growing Hispanic Market
A Fight in Wisconsin's Senate
July 8, 2005; Page A1

MILWAUKEE -- Javier and Araceli Garcia, illegal immigrants from Mexico, never imagined that the U.S. government would help them realize their dream of owning a home.

'Time Has Come for Vengeance,' Islamist Website

By Carolyn Bolls Correspondent
July 8, 2005

( -- A group called "the Secret Organization of al Qaeda in Europe" released a letter claiming responsibility for Thursday's bombings in London. The group warned that Denmark and Italy would face the "same punishment" if they failed to withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

London bombings tied to Madrid attackers?

Posted: July 7, 20058:32 p.m. Eastern
© 2005

British intel probing connection to North Africa-based terrorists
British intelligence officials believe today's bomb attacks on London's mass transit system might be tied to the North African-based terrorists who carried out the strikes in Madrid last year, according to a terrorism analyst.

London Subway, Bus Blasts Kill 37, Injure Hundreds

Bombings Fit Pattern of 2004 AttackThat Left 191 People Dead in Madrid

Near simultaneous explosions rocked at least three London subway trains and ripped apart a double-decker bus at the morning rush hour Thursday, police said, killing at least 37 people, injuring hundreds more and sending bloodied victims fleeing from debris-strewn blast sites.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

London Beats Paris to Win 2012 Olympic Games Bid

By CRIS PRYSTAY and DAVID PRINGLE Staff Reporters of
July 6, 2005 1:43 p.m.

London won the right to host the 2012 Olympic Games, beating out Paris by just four votes in one of the closest Olympic races in recent history.
In a heartfelt appeal led by an Olympian, Lord Sebastian Coe, the London bid team pitched their city to International Olympic Committee members as a platform to inspire children from all over the world to take up sports. While New York, Madrid, Moscow and three-time bidder Paris produced slick videos that showcased their cities as an ideal location for the Olympics, London's video depicted a boy in Africa watching the 2012 Games, then competing in a future Olympics; likewise, a young girl from Russia and a young boy from Latin America. The appeal struck home, and London beat out Paris by a vote of 54 to 50.