Stop Apologizing to Islam!
The Christian Underground
Barbara J. Stock
May 17, 2005
We Americans need to get our priorities straight. We are at war with Islam.
Barbara J. Stock
May 17, 2005
We Americans need to get our priorities straight. We are at war with Islam.
Oh you are? Well, that ought to ensure un-ending threats of terrorism. Good job, keep on drivin' the US back into the 12th century you good Islam hatin' christians you! Armegeddon, here you come. Every good American christian knows that God is a white American who loves a government which guts services for the poor to service the rich and loves WAR!... right?
There's something like 1.3 billion muslims. you were attacked by 19 of them(outside of the countries you've invaded...) so get a life. Do you know how many "christians" have killed or been responsible for the deaths of Arabs? Let's talk about the Shaw in Iran or the invasion of Iraq to try and secure America friendly oil in what they hoped to be a puppet regime state, elected or not. How about the propping up of the brutal Saudi regime for oil? How about the Uzbek's? And, even if you believe Isreal has the right to exist the ever US propped up Isreali government has treated the displaced Palestinians like crap for years. So you ought to learn before you speak lest you look dumb ya war mongering goober. It's because of ignorant oblivious attitudes like yours you were chosen as a target for attack in the first place.
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