Thursday, March 31, 2005

May you rest in peace Terri Schindler Schiavo

Terri Schiavo lost her valiant fight for life this morning. I am appalled that this nation allowed an innocent, healthy young woman to be starved to death. I have no doubt that Terri is in a much better place, but she never deserved to die this way.
I applaud Jeb Bush and the Florida legislatures' efforts to save Terri by passing a bill in 2003 that allowed her feeding tube to be re-inserted after a court ordered removal. However, I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I am with Jeb Bush who after stepping up to a microphone and announcing that he had the executive power to rescue her and instead of acting, asked permission of the courts. And who, I believe, took the wrong advice of his advisors when he stepped back and said there was nothing he could do when he had numerous opinions from all over the country showing him that he did indeed have the authority to rescue her.
And the Florida lawmakers who, when you had the opportunity to cast a vote to save this young woman's live, voted for death.
I believe the U.S. House and Senate were well within their rights to pass the bill at Eastertime requesting the courts to look at this case anew and I respect those who voted in the affirmative to make this bill happen.
For those who think so many courts and so many judges looked at this case and came to the same conclusion couldn't be more wrong. There was one judge who looked at the evidence in this case and all these other courts and judges did was to affirm the process of Judge Greer's actions. None of them, even after being given this opportunity to do so, looked at the evidence in this case. In my opinion, Terri Schiavo died because of a political and judicial power struggle.
The one thing that gives me comfort, is that one day Michael Schiavo is going to have to answer to his Maker why he fought so hard to kill his wife and I know he is not going to have a good answer.
I hope Judge Greer has to answer that question and many more before he meets his Maker. This is a man who picked and chose what evidence he permitted in his court and dismissed whatever testimony he didn't care for. There is a small circle here, including the judge, Michael, Felos and the Hospice that got whatever they wanted in this case and the Schindler's were denied every request at every turn. I hope there is an examination into this and justice served.
A lot of these questions are raised at
And for those of you who voted for death ' because you wouldn't want to live this way' I ask is that a reason to starve an innocent young woman to death?
This is a very dark day for America and I fear a door has opened that will lead to the destruction of our society as we know it.
God help us all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This case affects no one. It sets no precedent. Hundreds of people die in this manner in America every single day. Tom Delay's father died just like Terri Schiavo. This is fresh meat thrown to the pro-life, theocratic constituency by Republicans.

Your emotions are being manipulated for political gain. Wise up.

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many times do I have to tell you!?!? Terri Schivo was NOT a healthy young woman. BEFORE the feeding tube was removed, she suffered from kidney stones, neck cysts, "drop foot", and plenty of other health problems that go along with being a bed-ridden vegetable. The pressure that her drop foot caused required the amputation of one of her toes, for goodness' sake.

Just because you're religious doesn't mean you can't be scientific and listen to things called FACTS as well.

Don't be willfully dumb, dummy.

5:32 PM  

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