Monday, February 28, 2005

Social Security deceit

President Bush's call to allow Americans to take a portion of the money they pay as Social Security taxes to set up private retirement accounts has to be a good idea. Why? The more of what a person earns that's in his pocket and under his control, the better off he will be. At a later date, when the details of the president's plans are known, I'll address the various reform plans under debate. For now, let's look at some of the gross political deceit, lies and unkept promises that have become a part of Social Security.
::::::> Read The Whole Article <:::::

A Few Good Recruits

Injured Veterans Find Themselves In High Demand Among Contractors

By Ellen McCarthyWashington Post Staff Writer
Monday, February 28, 2005; Page E01

Ownership Society

Terrific piece by Jackie describing the ways people can take charge of their own lives, read it here-
In Bush's 'Ownership Society,'Citizens Would Take More Risk
February 28, 2005; Page A1

Saturday, February 26, 2005

An observation on Terri Schindler Schiavo

Well written piece by Brenna Egan, 17, is a junior at Boone High School in Orlando,
Crime:Brain damage Punishment: Starvation

Friday, February 25, 2005

Fair Tax

This is from the website for Americans for Fair Tax. This is a link to the thumbnail sketch of the fair tax. This proposition makes a whole of sense, I urge you to read it and sign the petition.

Stay for Now for Terri Schiavo

Court orders reprieve until March 18 -

The World Takes on Big Tobacco

Why don't they make it illegal ? This substance is so dangerous and killing so many people why don't the world governments declare it a drug and make it illegal? That's a facetious question of course, because they are making too much money on the taxes collected. Can't we please stop all the rightous indignation however.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Pope is resting after brief surgery

The Pope has surgery to help him breathe

Get the truth on Terri Schindler Schiavo

It absolutely drives me crazy when I hear, as I did on the radio today, that Terri Schiavo is hooked up to machines. She is not hooked up to machines, she is fed through a tube because her husband would not allow her to get the therapy necessary to re-learn how to swallow.
Get the truth here -

Pope John Paul II Rushed to the Hospital

VATICAN CITY -- Pope John Paul II was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance Thursday suffering from a relapse of the flu, a fever and congestion -

Iraqi TV Airs Tape of Purported Confession

BAGHDAD, Iraq(AP) The Syrian intelligence officer who appeared on the U.S.-funded Iraqi state television station had a stark message about the insurgency _ he'd helped train people to build car bombs and behead people.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Death delayed (for now)

Pinellas judge extends stay, DCF jumps into Schiavo case

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The Coming Fiscal Deluge

From the NATIONAL CENTER FOR POLICY ANALYSIS, a sobering assessment of not too distant future entitlement program needs for the baby boomer generation.
In 2011, the first group of baby boomers will reach the age of 65. In a pay-as-you-go system, what matters most is cash flow. And the cash flow drain that elderly entitlement programs portend is not a problem of the distant future, as some argue. The problem has already begun.
Read the full story here -

G. I. Slur

From the NY Post today a sad statement when our children are allowed to send demoralizing anti-war letters to our troops who are in harms way.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Support for our troops

We have military stationed all over the world. If you're looking for some way to say thank you for the freedoms we enjoy today, you'll find this site useful

Terry Schiavo's parents lose appeal

The courts in Florida seem intent on starving a young woman to death.

The parents of severely brain-damaged Terri Schiavo lost another crucial court appeal today - the day before a court order that could lead to the removal of her life-sustaining feeding tube.

Private social security accounts

There is a lot of back and forth concerning private social security accounts. The preliminary talk is that they will be investment accounts that can be used to create income in retirement and also willable to heirs on the death of the holder. The question I have is why do those who are opposed to these accounts not want you and I to have an account that we can call our own? This is our own money after all, why can't we create an account that will grow over time and either support us when we retire or be willed to our heirs? When my Mother died, after having paid ?thousands of dollars into social security, her heirs got $250. I recommend, regardless of your views on this subject, to go to this site,, click on the Social Security Reform 'button' and calculate what you would be able to save under this private account.